Neopets Stock Market

Neopets Stock Market is an excellent investment to hold in your portfolio. Don’t expect to purchase stocks at the Neopian Stock Market, than try to make a quick buck. That’s now how the stock market works unfortunately. If you’re patient, than the Neopets Stock Market is excellent for you as a long term investment. To start, click here. You can get to the stock market by going to Neopets homepage first and scrolling down to this yellow Chia with a cellphone. Click him, and you’re there! Now that you’re here, you need neopoints to invest. How do you get those neopoints? Earn them of course! Once you have about 50,000 neopoints come back to the NeoDaq. You see those links on the top? We’re going to guide you through them, step by step, and give you some hints along the way! Also, before we start, please note the scrolling bunches of letters at the top (also known as ticker symbols) are known as stocks and how they have been progressing throughout the day, these are on every page! We’re going to skip around in the links a bit to make it easier for you to follow.

Jan 17, 2020  The Neopian Stock Market is undoubtedly one of the best ways to gain neopoints in Neopets. Personally, I’ve amassed over 20 million neopoints using the stock market alone, and you can too. The beginning The Stock Market upon its advent, get this, had no restrictions on how many stocks you could buy daily! You could.

Choosing Stocks at the Neopets Stock Market

Now, you’re brought to a page with a happy looking green Quiggle on it and a search box for you to find stocks. Personally, I don’t use that box. It doesn’t help. Click instead above that box the blue word that says ‘here’, which will lead you to a full list. There ya go, a full list of all stocks in Neopia. Still confused about what each thing is? Well, that’s what we’re here for, eh? xD Now, on the table you will see on a list across saying ‘Logo’, ‘Ticker’, ‘Company’, ‘Volume’, ‘Open’, ‘Curr’, ‘Change’.

1. Logo – The logo is the trademark of the company and helps you identify the companies in your portfolio. We will get to your portfolio later.
2. Ticker – This is the acronym of the company, and easier way of talking about a company, rather than saying out the whole company name!
3. Company – This is more of an elaborate meaning of the ticker symbol. Meaning, the actual company name. This isn’t exactly too important, more like a reference tool.
4. Volume – Volume is how many shares have been sold into Neopia so far that day.
5. Open – Open is what the stock started at at midnight NST.
6. Curr – This is what the current price of the stock is.
7. Change – Change is how much the company has lost or gained so far in the day.

You can click the ticker symbol to tell you more information about the stock. The finding stocks page is your reference page. You will need it to search for other stocks to buy later on. But we’ll get to the ‘buy’ link later.

Neopets Stock Market News/Research

The news and research page… there’s not much to say about it. Neopets assignment 53 guide. It’s just saying how the NeoDaq is doing, and the stock of the day. I’m sorry I can’t say too much about it, there’s not much to say!

Neopets Stock Market Profile

This is where the ticker symbol comes in from the ‘Find Stocks’ page. You can search up here for any ticker symbol, and find the full information about the company. A lot like on the ‘find stocks page,’ if you click the ticker symbol you will find full information about the company and it’s competitors. Search up any stock here, and you will get the logo, company name, the price of a current stock, and information about it. If you click the company name it leads you to a page where you can buy the stock, and how many of the stocks you want to buy. Please note, that the current stock price they give is the price of only one share of the stock. But we’ll get to the buying part later!

Then there are also competitors. By clicking the competing companies’ ticker symbols you get that companies full information. Let’s move on to the buying part. The part you’ve been waiting for, eh?

Buying Stocks at the Neopets Stock Market

Okay, so now we’re going to skip over to the ‘buy’ link. You want to buy stocks! Well, you use the ticker symbols to choose a stock! To your convenience on the ‘buy’ page underneath ‘Ticker Symbol’ it says ‘click to list’, and it will list all the stocks (from the find stocks, scroll up to see) and you can choose the ticker symbol of the company you wish to buy. Underneath the ticker symbol it says ‘Number of Shares’. Now, on the find stocks page, the current price of the stock is the price of ONLY ONE STOCK. Okay, confused about which stocks to buy? I’m here to help you! Well, we’re restricted which is annoying when buying stocks, here are the restrictions which are, so, so evil. xP But there are only two… I think. 😀

  • Restriction 1: You can only buy 1000 shares a day.
  • Restriction 2: You have to buy stocks that are 15 NP or over.
  • I like to buy the stocks at the lowest price we can possibly get them. The lowest price is 15 NP. So on the find stocks page find all stocks that are currently (CURR) 15 NP. If there are none of those try 16 NP stocks. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Buying stocks that are super expensive (like 50 NP per share) is risky, because if the company goes bankrupt, you will lose more money than if you had bought a stock for 15 NP to share. There’s more at risk, be smart on this one! THIS IS THE PRICE OF ONLY ONE STOCK. IF YOU BUY MULTIPLE SHARES THE PRICE WILL BE HIGHER.
  • I like to check if the stock is going higher or lower (look at the CHANGE). Stocks that I have done well with are NATN, PEOP, and SHRX, BUT, I cannot guarantee your profit. Only buy those stocks if they are at 15 NP. It is best to buy the stock that is going up, but if you choose the stock that’s going down, you may make a profit too, but it will take more time.
  • Don’t just choose only one stock. Diversify your portfolio, make many different options. Say if a company in your portfolio goes bankrupt (this barely ever happens), then you have 4 other stocks left! You can still earn the neopoints you lost back.
  • Once you’ve chosen the stock, look at the ticker symbol and go back to the ‘buy’ page, and put in that ticker symbol. Now, you have to choose how many number of stocks to buy. I like to buy 1000 because it’s easy to follow. The only annoying part is you can’t buy anymore stocks ’til the next day! But, buy in large masses, because when you sell, your stock broker (Chia with the cellphone) charges you 25 NP.

Your Neopets Stock Market Portfolio

Your portfolio is where your stocks are listed and organized to show how they are currently doing in the stock market. You really can’t do without it! We’re going to explain to you everything in your portfolio. There are three columns: Today, Holdings, and Overall. Then there are subcategories. We’re going to explain those as well! The blank column lists the logos of the companies you bought from, the next column lists those companies’ ticker symbols and profiles.

Today – Today explains how your stock is doing in the current day.

  • Open – Open is the price the stock (Only ONE share of that stock) started at 12 AM NST.
  • Current – Current is the price of the stock (Only ONE share of that stock) at the moment.
  • Chg – How much the stock has gained in the day. (-1, it has lost one neopoints, -2, it has lost 2 neopoints, +1 it has gained one neopoints, +2 neopoints it has gained 2 neopoints, and so on)

Holdings – Holdings lists how many of the stocks you have have and how much you paid for it.

  • QTY – Qty is quantity, how many shares of the stock you have.
  • Paid – How much you paid for one share.

Overall – What your overall sums and gains are.

  • MKT Value – This is your Qty x Current Price. It equals how much the stock is worth at the moment.
  • % Change – How much (in percentage) you have gained from the stock.

Now on the portfolio next to the icon is an arrow. Click on the arrow and you get more information on the stock and below it…What you all have been waiting for: the selling part! When to sell your stocks, etc., etc.! On this part there is a table… we’re going to explain the table. If you bought two of this stock when it was at different prices there will be two rows. If you bought three then there will be three rows, etc.When you’re on this table there are 7 columns. Shares, Paid NP, Total NP, Current, Mkt Value, and % Change Sell. Here’s what they all mean:

  • Shares: The amount of shares of the stock you bought.
  • Paid Neopoints: How much neopoints you paid for one share.
  • Total Neopoints: Shares x paid neopoints.
  • Current: How much the stock per share is worth now.
  • Mkt Value: Shares x Current.
  • Change: Tells you wheater you gained or lost neopoints.
  • Sell: Put the amount of shares you want to sell here… BUT WAIT! First read below our tips for selling! (When you’ve think you’ve made your choice press the ‘Sell’ option near the bottom)

Neopets Stock Market Cheats

  • Tip #1 Have patience. Patience is the key word in the stock market. And you have to be able to take a risk. When gambling in the stock market, there are small chances you will not earn profit. And it would normally take a long time for you to earn a profit, so you need patience. Remember, keyword: PATIENCE.
  • Tip #2: Set a goal limit of when you want to sell your stock. There’s no point of selling a stock where you will gain nothing from it. I like to sell my stocks when I gain at least a 100% profit. So, the stock has risen double of when I bought it from. You can set different goals if you wish, whatever appeals to you.
  • Tip #3: Many people say, stick to your goals, well… that doesn’t quite work for me. I know, NEVER sell your stocks if they are below your goal. Never. If you have a 99.6% profit ad your goal is 100%, DON’T SELL. No matter what. Never, never, never. But, if you have a stock that is shooting through the roof and reaches your goal, wait, and watch it. It might go up more. The stockmarket is very random, and changes every 30 minutes. If your stock is going up now, it might go up more later. So wait, and watch it. If it starts a dramatic drop, or doesn’t change for another 2-3 hours, then sell it (if the dramtic drop doesn’t go under your 100% profit). Here’s a personal experience. I once bought 1000 shares of [insert stock here] and it went up 100%. I sold it. The next day, it was up by 500% from my original purchase! See what I mean? I was so disappointed, for I could’ve earned quite a bit of money from that!

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Nigel the Stockbroker Chia says 'Have you considered investing in TSRC (The Shoyru Company)??'

Neopets Stock Market List

Have you ever considered investing in the Stock Market, but didn't know where to start? If so then don't worry, this guide was written for the thousands of Neopians who, just like you, have heard that the Stock Market is a means to make your fortune but are not quite sure how the whole thing works. I hope I don't sound patronising at any point, but I have to assume that the average reader coming into this knows nothing about the process so I will apologise in advance in case I come across as being condescending. :)

What Are Stocks?

Well, it would be a good idea to know what we're dealing with first. Now, I am far from being a financial expert (bit of an understatement :P), so I shall use layman's terms. In essence, a stock (also known as a share) is a little piece of the company; if you purchase stocks (it is normal to buy more than one; you usually buy several thousand at a time), then you own a percentage of the company you have invested your money in. It will only be an extremely small amount though, probably not even 1%.

Why on earth would I want to do that though? Say, for example, you decided to purchase a stock in a new company for $1. Over time, that company might increase dramatically in value as they earn more money, until that stock which you originally only paid $1 for is now worth $5 if you sold it on the Stock Market. Obviously, if you owned several thousand of these stocks, you would be looking at a very large profit. Indeed, this is why a lot of Neopians champion the Stock Market as a means of making Neopoints.

It can work both ways though. If a company's stock can rise in value, it can also fall in value. Like in the example above, the company you invested in might lose a lot of money and the worth of the shares you bought could fall to 50 cents each. Or even worse, the company could go bankrupt and then your shares would be worth absolutely nothing! D: Investing in stocks can be a big gamble, sometimes it will pay off whilst others it won't. Hopefully after reading this guide you will be able to make wise decisions that will keep your portfolio in the black..

Wait a minute! What on earth is a portfolio and why would I want it to be black? A portfolio is just a fancy name for a listing of all the stocks you currently own. And if something is described as being 'in the black,' then it just means that it is financially stable. The opposite would be if they were 'in the red,' meaning that they were in financial difficulty and probably owe money or are on the verge of being declared bankrupt.

Welcome To The Neopian Stock Market

Right, so what will you need to start with? I would recommend that you have about 100,000 Neopoints or so at your disposal to begin with as it can take a while to generate any profit and in the meantime, you may need some funds to restock with as well. When you visit the Stock Market, you will be greeted by Nigel the Chia again, who will try to wow you with his flashy gadgets and his boast of owning the only car in Neopia. Don't let him fool you though, he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about when it comes to stocks. That little random event where he suggested investing in a particular company was just a stab in the dark, he has no insider knowledge.

The home page of the Stock Market itself can look rather intimidating; the marque at the top with the letters and the numbers in different colours means nothing to you right now so just ignore it, you can also go ahead and ignore the Find Stocks, News/Research and Profile links as well. In fact, ignore all of the links there and instead go to this one. This is a list of the cheapest stocks in Neopia at the moment. I would bookmark this link as it is very useful but a bit of a pain to find. Alternatively, use your Jellyneo Dailies Service to remind yourself to visit there each day.

Instead of live updates like the real stock market, the Neopian Stock Market traditionally updates every half hour, at :08 and :38 minutes past the hour. (Times current as of May 10, 2018. They may shift over time.) Not all stocks will have a price change at each update, however. Each day at 4pm NST the stocks will reset and all of their daily trending information will start over at 0, and instead begin recording trending information for the next day.

Buying Your Stocks

The first thing to mention is that you are only allowed to buy shares that are currently trading for 15NP or more each. When choosing a stock to purchase, the rule of thumb is 'buy low, sell high,' so it is best to only pick stocks trading for 15NP as that is the cheapest you can possibly purchase.

However, if you choose the Cheaper by the Dozen boon from the battleground, you may purchase stocks that cost 10NP or more!

It doesn't really matter which company you choose to invest in. Years ago, the Stock Market was actually influenced by how well certain Neopian businesses did; for example, Hubert's Hot Dog stocks went up and down in value depending on how many items the shop of the same name sold. However, this led to pockets of users grouping together and buying out entire shops to inflate the value of their stocks, so The Neopets Team put a stop to that. It is a good thing, really, since certain companies (such as Lupe Consolidated) don't have a representative store in Neopia and their stock prices would never have changed.

Right, enough with the history lesson, what do you say we get your portfolio off the ground? Scroll down the list of stocks on the bargain list (the one you come to when you clicked the link above) and find the first company whose shares are trading for 15NP.

Looking at the page can be a bit confusing, so here is a quick break down of what all the numbers mean:

Faerie Crossword Answers - Daily Puzzle Answer - Across: 3. Verb Down: 1. Ice A Faerie Mazzew has what colour eyes Answer: Pink Prize: 398 NP. Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! Some cookies are necessary to make this site and our content available to you. Other Cookies enable us to analyse and measure audience and traffic to the site. Cookies are also used by us, advertisers, ad-tech providers and others to develop and serve. Neopets faerie crossword puzzle Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! The Faerie Crossword has been a daily staple of Faerieland for many years. Each day, a new crossword puzzle is created by the Library Faerie, and Neopians such as yourself can solve it for a small Neopoint.

Icon - each company has a little picture of what category it belongs to; this doesn't really mean anything, it's just a way of differentiating between companies.
Ticker - each company goes by a 2 to 4 letter ticker (or 5 in the single case of EEEEE); think of it as a nickname.
Company Name - self-explanatory. You can find a complete list of companies here.
Volume - this is a running total of the number of that stock which has been bought and sold that day.
Opening Price - how many Neopoints each stock was worth when trading opened that morning at 12:00am NST.
Current Price - how many Neopoints the stock is currently selling for.
Change - a percentage total of how much the price of that stock has changed during the day. A green number indicates an increase, a red number indicates a decrease.

Let us pretend that the above screenshot is what you see when you go to buy stocks for the very first time. You can see that Stuff-A-Pet Inc. and The Neopian Auction House were both trading at 15NP per share at the time, so you could choose either one of them (later on, once you have a portfolio, your existing stocks would have an effect on this choice, but I'll get to that later). For now, we will carry on pretending and say you decided to invest in The Neopian Auction House. To buy stocks, click on the Ticker for the company you wish to purchase and you will be taken to an utterly pointless screen which lists the other companies in that category. Just click on the name of the company again and you will be taken to a screen which looks like this:

Oct 28, 2013  Neopets Guide to Restocking 1. An advantageous gain or return; benefit. The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met. Neopets magic shop restocking guide. For this guide we have chosen to restock at the Book Shop. After a while the shop will restock. Now you must select the item you wish to buy. Keep in mind that the whole purpose of restocking is that you make a profit. Usually items that are priced at 2,500np, 5,000np and 10,000np or above are good to buy. Willow's Massive Restocking Guide I've been seeing an astonishing amount of new players coming in lately, and I'm bored and feel like writing something, so why not a little guide? Only a few months ago I was the worst restocker known to man, but I think I've got a.

Click on the little button and presto! Congratulations, you just bought your first set of stocks! :) The maximum you can purchase each day is 1,000 stocks. It is up to you whether you want to buy them all from one company or whether you want to buy a few hundred from lots of different ones. Which leads me to the next section..

Diversifying Your Portfolio

Which is just a fancy way of saying 'don't put all your eggs in one basket.' From time to time, a company will go bankrupt and you will lose any money you invested in that company (fortunately, it is quite rare that this happens), so it is better to have 10,000 stocks at Company A and 10,000 stocks at Company B rather than clumping them altogether in one company. This is what I meant when I said earlier that your existing portfolio would influence your choice of stocks; say, for example, that you already had 3,000 stocks in The Neopian Auction House. Then it would make sense to buy stocks in Stuff-A-Pet Inc. to balance things out a bit.

The Waiting Game

Once you have bought your stocks, there isn't really anything else for you to do but to wait for them to increase until you are happy with the profit margin. It is a good idea to check your portfolio at least once a day (or more often if a particular stock is doing particularly well and you are considering selling). Here is an overview of the portfolio screen and what it all means.

Yours will have numbers in the boxes at the bottom, I removed mine because I'm shy. :P

Sell - clicking on this little triangle opens up the option to sell those stocks, I'll get to this part later.
Icon - same as before.
Ticker - same as before.
Opening Price - same as before.
Current Price - same as before.
Change - same as before.
Quantity - how many of that type of stock you currently own.
How Much You Paid - self-explanatory, but crucial to obtaining the avatar! (see below)
Worth - how much your stocks would be worth if you sold them right now.
Change - how much the stock has fluctuated since you purchased them. As before, green indicates an increase and red indicates a decrease.

You will want to pay particular attention to the last column as ultimately this will determine whether or not you want to sell your stocks. How long you wait is entirely up to you, though I would recommend waiting until you get a 100% or more increase on your original investment before selling. It's a good idea to set yourself a cut-off point and stick to it. If you would rather have the Neopoints as quickly as possible then you might decide to sell off stocks once they reach a 50% increase, or even lower if you are really impatient. :P The only 'wrong' time to sell is when your stocks are in the red, so you would be making a loss. It may seem like the best option to cut your losses and sell up before you lose even more money but hang in there, in time they will slowly start to rise again.

Selling Stocks

When your stocks reach that 'magic number' and you want to sell them, it's time to pay Nigel the Chia a visit (yes, I'm afraid you have to, if his hairpiece freaks you out that much just try not to look at it). On the portfolio page, click the little triangle to the left of the icon on the stocks you want to sell. You will then get a little drop down menu asking you how much of the quantity you want to cash in.

Each batch of stocks you bought will be grouped separately, along with the individual prices of each set when you bought them (in case you bought some priced at 15NP and some priced at 30NP or something, but you're not going to do that now, are you? :P) and the respective increase/decrease in value. You can choose to sell all of them at once but some people prefer to hold back a hundred or so, just in case the value suddenly rockets up; they don't want to take the risk with large amounts of Neopoints but don't mind risking a few thousand. Yet again, it is entirely up to you how many or how few you choose to sell and when you choose to sell them. However, in order to sell your stocks, you have to pay Nigel a handling fee of 20NP. He isn't a ruthless business man, however, and you can sell as many batches of stock as you like from as many different companies as you like at the same time and he will only charge you the single fee of 20NP.

The Stock Market Boon

Certain factions give the opportunity of activating the Cheaper by the Dozen boon if you side with them and they emerge victorious from the Battleground of the Obelisk. This boon allows you to purchase stocks that are selling for 10NP per share as opposed to the usual 15NP restriction, meaning that you make even more profit when selling them later.

To Summarize

There now, that wasn't so bad, was it? :D I will leave you with just a quick recap of the key points to remember when playing the Stock Market, and wish you good luck in your investments!

  • Use Bargain Stocks page to look for stocks
  • Only ever buy stocks that are 15NP each - if there are none the first time you look then try checking back later in the day - or 10NP if you have the Cheaper by the Dozen boon active
  • If you can afford it, always buy the maximum allowed 1,000 shares per day
  • Buy stocks from different companies whenever possible
  • Never sell at a loss
  • Have 20NP on hand to pay Nigel when selling

Neopets Stock Market Tips

Sell! SELL!! / Guide

View your stock portfolio when your 'Holdings Paid' column (i.e. how much you paid for your stocks) totals over 1,000,000 Neopoints. Does not work if you simply buy 1,000 shares of a single stock worth 1k+ per share, like VPTS.

Released: October 28, 2009

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This game guide was written by: Weepit

Neopets Stock Market Link

This page was last updated on August 3, 2018.

Neopets Stock Market Trends

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