Neopets Employment Agency

The Faerieland Employment Agency Guide to Neopets Jobs

Faerieland Employment Agency What is the Faerieland Employment Agency? The Faerieland Employment Agency is a place located right in the heart of Faerie City. In the picture below you can see its location. You can go to the employment agency to complete quest-like jobs for neopoint rewards.

Hey everyone, I wanted to put together a useful guide for anyone interest in the Faerieland Employment Agency. It’s quite a fun little feature that’s part of Neopets which allows you to get jobs where you have to locate items within a set amount of time.


Neopets Employment Agency

You can think of the Faerieland Employment Agency as the equivalent of Neopets jobs. You’re tasked with collection for example 5 x “Starwberries and Cream Baby Food” within 54 minutes, with a base reward of 1,185 NP.

Since the release of The Forgotten Shore, pirate Draiks have been become easier to obtain, massively deflating Draik egg prices and thus making them far less exclusive.Draik are 55cm (1.80ft) on average, making them one of the smaller Neopets.Site description: 'These cute little dragons appeared in Neopia one day without much warning at all. It was originally planned for this pet to be obtainable from the Creation Centre, and the first batch of Draiks was indeed released in this way.Draik eggs restock very rarely in a little shop called for a high price. They are a special type of limited edition, where the main way to get one is by hatching a at the. While you can also use a on an existing pet, you cannot get one from the lab ray or pet creation centre (not even on Draik Day).A glitch back in 2002 when they were released led users to be able to create Draiks like non- pets for a few days before fixed it. Draik eggs can also be acquired via. Neopets blue dragon.

Neopets Employment Agency Guide

Personally I like to have a go at the Faerieland Employment Agency every now and then after I’ve completed my Neopets Dailies for the day.

Xweetoks are furry, forest-dwelling creatures who enjoy active games such as tag. They are very quick and love to be chased. You can often find Xweetoks making their homes among the roots of trees or in large crevices of old trunks. Many Neopians rave about how soft Xweetok fur is, and how great they are to. Neopets xweetok adoptables.

Best Timing For Jobs

There’s always some little tips and tricks with anything on Neopets isn’t there? You’ll find that the jobs actually get posted every ten minutes, 9 seconds before the minute. When you’re looking at the timer at the top it should look like XX:X3:51. I find it’s best to get there a minute or two before hand depending on how fast your interenet is.

Once the timer passed x3:51 I click F5 to instantly refresh the screen. This gives you the best possible chance of getting a high paying Neopets job, as the best do tend to vanish pretty quicking.

Tips To Get The Best Neopets Jobs

Once you’re in position you’ll want to make sure you have some neopoints on hand, you don’t want to have to waste any time heading to the bank. Keeping around 5,000 to 10,000 on hand should be more than enough.

When the page loads up from your refresh you’ll want to click on the “Apply for job” link when you find one that takes you fancy. If you happen to get the job it will tell you. If you’ve been unlucky and someone else already has the job it will tell you the job is taken.

If you didn’t get the job do not click the back button, I cannot stress this enough, it will load up the previous page but it won’t have the latest data. To get the latest data and remove any of the jobs that are already take you’ll want to head to the top of the page and click on the “basic jobs” link.

For those with slower internet connections it’s best practice to keep open a second or third tab ready to refresh.

Got The Job, What Next?

Neopets Employment Agency Cheats

So you managed to get the job, well done! The next steps are actually pretty easy to be honest. You’ll want to copy and paste the name of the item you’re after into the Shop Wizard, again it’s a good idea to have this ready and waiting in another tab to speed things up.

Once you’ve pasted your search into the Shop Wizard you’ll want to try and buy all the items you need as quickly as you can, remember that the quicker you do the job, the more neopoints you’ll receive. You could take a little time to find better prices by freshing the shop page, but this is something you’ll have to weight up the benefits of. Remember that the Shop Wiozard results are random, so if it’s an expensive item, you may find it cheaper by running an extra search. I would at most only use 3 searches on this.

Items Purchased, Now What?

Well done on getting this far. Now you’ll want to head straight on back to the Faerieland Employment Agency and click on the “status” link. This will take you to your jobs page and you can simply scroll down to the current job you were working on.

If you have all the correct items (and correct amounts) then your request will be accepted and you’ll receive your neopoints as a rewards. You’ll also have the recorded time you managed to complete your Neopets job in added to your pet’s resume. Remember to stick with your same pet throughout this process, that way you can head on to higher ranks with your pet quicker, rather than switching between pets each time.

Why Can’t I Start Anymore Jobs?

Neopets Employment Agency Guide

Don’t worry, you haven’t done anything wrong. There is actually a limit to the amount of jobs you can do each day. This job limit is 5. Once you’ve completed three jobs at the agency you’ll have a message come up that says “You have already taken enough jobs today! Come back tomorrow.” But if you come back in 10 minutes you can actually do your 4th job, then again wait another 10 minutes and you can complete the 5th job.

Job limits keep the game fair and balanced so this is something you should actually be happy with.


Well there you have it, everything you need to know about the basic jobs at the Faerieland Employment Agency. If you’re a fan of restocking then this should actually prove to be quite easy for you. That being said, if you’re bad a restocking, that should slow you down too much.

Now all you need to do is head out into the world of FEA Neopets jobs and get working as quick as you can. Obviously a little luck with better paying jobs is always nice, so don’t waste your job limit on cheap worthless jobs, it can be worth being a little patient.